It is these values that have helped the formation of various CSR initiatives as non-profit trusts that protect and promote the needful in the society.

Corporate Social Responsibility, though typically constitutes a small part of our overall expenses, we try to ensure that our overall contribution towards our environment and society is maintained. Ranging from research to material development and final casting, every activity has its impact on the world around. It is both our responsibility and duty to try and give back that we take from the society and nature.

We, at Sarvome, continuously strive to address various social issues while working towards the benefit of local communities. Our various activities & initiatives are intended towards becoming a constructive partner of the modern community so as to build values not just for our customers and clients, but for every shareholder linked to our presence. In the past decade, we have been supporting various social and environmental initiatives besides focusing on the economic welfare of the deprived communities of modern India. Our products are aimed at being economically and environmentally viable by using the best in technology.


Sarvome’s Helpline Pharmacy which is a non-profit organization is aimed at selling medicines at highly subsidized rates to people who are really in need of treatment and medication. This Charitable Pharmacy offers almost 50% discount to the needy. We strongly believe that “Wealth is not to feed egos, but to feed the hungry and to help people help themselves”.


We know the importance of a shelter and how much it can mean to a person in dire need. Sarvome has been trying to serve the poorer sections of the Indian community by opening Dharmashalas for the under privileged. Our Dharamshala has 200 rooms dormitory in the vicinity of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) facilitates comfortable accommodation free of cost to relatives accompanying the patients who are not able to afford private lodging boarding while their patient is treated in the hospital. This shelter also runs a free canteen that supplies free/subsidized lunch and dinner to 500 patients and their attendants daily.


A man has the power to fend for himself or ask for help. However, in the lieu of development, we completely forget our animal counterparts. It’s a sorry state of affairs for these mute creatures and for the strays; life is just about waiting to die. Sarvome joins hands with volunteers to create adequate shelter facilities for stray cattle. In the Gaushala, everything from fooding to veterinary care to medication is taken care of. We work with villages to rehabilitate stray cattle and bring about a viable solution both for animal and people.

JeevanRamBasheshar Lal Public School

Operated by a public charity trust , the school has around 550 children and is dedicated to education the school operates in the heart of the cuty of rohtak. The school in vrindavan is dedicated to the lesser privileged.



While, the pace of development and modernization is accelerating, we haven’t forgotten our roots or lost sight of the responsibilities due to the culture and environment we were born of. We believe that change is brought about when you are willing to take up a cause. Development is not just about tall structures and well serviced apartments, but an overall satisfaction of being in the society – and which extends itself to each member of the community. We welcome individuals and NGO’s to come forward and take up the responsibilities while we promise to play an important part in the initiatives. “A society is better built when everyone takes up a role and passionately delivers”.


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